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Grizzly Bear Finally Return with New Single "Three Rings"

New Music, Music NewsWeston PaganoComment

We'll spare you the hibernation jokes and just get straight to it - Grizzly Bear are finally following up 2012's wondrous Shields five long years later, and you can hear the first single "Three Rings" now.

As always Ed Droste's vocals soothingly seduce, ushering in a track spinning in lush, ornate depth patiently building to a Daniel Rossen guitar climax that picks up right where "Sleeping Ute" left off.

Other than that we don't know much more yet (it appears even Grizzly Bear themselves were a bit surprised) as the Brooklyn quartet continues to play coy, but with an end product so reliably lovely we're happy to go along for the ride.

Uploaded by Top Music on 2017-05-05.